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New iOS SSH over USB By Michaelsample2
Many a times, at client side we are not provided with Wifi access and connecting to our iOS device to read local data can be a real pain. At such a period, we can use a tool called as “usbmuxd” to connect to the Jailbroken iOS device running OpenSSH over the USB.
Detailed Steps:
Step 1: Make sure you have python installed on your machine. Download latest copy of “usbmuxd” using the command “git clone”.
Step 2: Navigate to the “python-client” folder and run the command “chmod +x” and then run the tool using the command “./ -t 22:2222”
The “t” basically allows multiple threads to run so that multiple simultaneous ssh connections can be established.
Step 3: Now, once the tcprelay starts its work, we use the command “ssh root@localhost -p 2222” to forward the local port 2222 to remote port 22. Use the credentials “root/alpine” to connect to the OpenSSH server running on the device.
Now, all the commands which can be used over SSH can be run on the prompt provided.
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