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complete information: New [COMPLETE GUIDE] How To Decompile/Recompile Apk using ApkMultiTools. By Michaelsample2
New [COMPLETE GUIDE] How To Decompile/Recompile Apk using ApkMultiTools. By Michaelsample2
In this tutorial i will teach how to decompile/recompile apk using Apk Multi Tools. I will try my best to a complete guide, And easy to understand.If you don't know what is decompile/recompile,Search that on lets begin.
1. PC/laptop/netbook
2. JDK (Java Development Kit) download here
3. APK Multi Tool download here
4. Apk files that you want to decompile and recompile.
6.Enable usb debugging.
7.Flashable zip download here (Thanks To Cleverior)
8.Usb Cable
How to enable Usb Debugging ?
Go to settings, About Phone, Then tap on BUILD NUMBER 7 times, And it will say you have enable developer options, Go to developer options and check USB DEBUGGING . done.
We gonna begin with the installation of Java.
Download Java Development Kit from the link given.
Scroll down until you see these ,check the Accept License Agreement .
After that , Download the Java for Windows depending on your system types. If you using Windows 32 Bit , You must download Windowsx86 , If you running Windows 64 bit. Download the Windowsx64 files.
If you don't know what Windows are u running, Check it by right click on My Computer and select Properties . and the red one is what your system types is.
Download and install it on your PC/Netbook/Laptop. DONE
Now, Download Apk Multi Tool and extract it.
Go to extracted folders and MOVE/COPY APK-Multi-Tool-Stable-RELEASE folder to C:/ like this
We are ready to go MISSION 1.
==== MISSION 1 Installing Framework-res.apk ====
1. Go to the folder APK-Multi-Tool-Stable-RELEASE.
2.Connect your Galaxy V or other devices to PC using usb cable.
3.Open Setup.bat
4.Press 2 to install framework-res.apk
5.Press 9 to pull Depencies from phone
6.Press any ke to continue .....
7. Press any ke to continue ..... (again) and wait until the pulling process is complete.
8. If done, Press any key to continue (2x).
10.Now press 1 to install framework-res.apk
11. A new windows will pop up like this and type in "apktool if framework-res.apk" without ( " ) and enter.
12. After complete, Close that.Now in APK MULTI-TOOL SETUP DEPEDENCY FILES menu choose 4 to install SystemUI.apk .
13.A new window will pop up and type in "apktool if SystemUI.apk" without quotes (") and enter.
after complete, Simply close that window.
14.Still in APK MULTI-TOOL SETUP DEPEDENCY FILES menu , choose 7 to install mediatek-res.apk.
15.The new window will pop up same like before, Now type in "apktool if mediatek-res.apk" without (")
16. After complete, Close, And Close APK MULTI-TOOL SETUP DEPEDENCY FILES Menu.
Mission Complete, Congratulations , You have succesfully complete these steps,
Now lets go the MISSION 2,
==== MISSION 2 Compile APK ====
1. Copy your apk files that you want decompile/compile/edit to INSIDE the folder place-apk-here-for-modding
2.Open Script.bat
3.Now you need to set your current project , Type 27 and enter.
4.Now choose your apk files that you put inside the folder place-apk-here-for-modding . if you put just one apk. You can simply press 1 and enter
5. In this tutorial i will be use SystemUi.apk for example.
6.When your current project is set, You can simply press 9 and enter to decompile an apk files.
This is a decompiling process screen.
7.After decompiling process is done, You will be inform by this word : ""SystemUI.apk has finished decompiling. Would you like to open the projects\SystemUI.apk folder to begin editing?(Y)es or (N)o? . Choose Yes and enter. like this picture.
8.Now you have succesfully decompile. You can see it on projects folder.
Now you can edit your SystemApk files until you feel satisfied :p. Minimize Setup.bat .
9.Once you have complete your editing work.Open Setup.bat again.
10.Now its time to recompile it. press 11 and enter .
11 . While recompile process, You will be noticed by this message
Aside from the signatures, would you like to copy over any additional files that you didn't modify from the original apk in order to ensure least # of errors (y/n)
Simply press Y and enter
12.Again , still recompile process , you will be noticed by this message.
"In the APK Multi-Tools folder u'll find a keep folder. Within it, delete everything you have modified and leave files that you haven't. If you have modified any xml, then delete resources.arsc from that folder as well. Once done then press enter on this script."
STOP ! , Do not type anything, Simply go to your Apktool folder, find the keep folder , Inside the keep folder you need to delete what are you edit/make changes. If you edit .xml files you need to delete resource.arsc and the .xml files that you edit. If you edit a smali files, You need to delete classes.dex and the smali file that you edit.When you have succesfully delete what are you edit in the keep folders, simply press any key on the script
13.After recompile process is complete, Check on folder modified-system-apk-files-here will be have a apk file that you just edit. Name System_apkname.apk , Now you need to remove "System_" by rename it.
Before Rename Example.
After rename example. just remove "System_"
14.Now extract the flashable zip file and place Apk that you modified into the system directory according to the original place.
15.Make a zip again and flash it via CWM/TWRP recovery. And you're done. Congratulations ! You have succesfully decompile and recompile a system apk apps .
If you misunderstanding and get stucks on step above, Leave a comment below and i will reply ASAP! , Also you can post on our Facebook Page.
Allah and Muhammad.
Developer APK MultiTools
Source link : here
This is a complete guide on how to Decompile and Recompile apk using ApkTools (PC) , I hope you understand and don't forget to share if you liked it because Sharing Will Improve Your Knowledge. Also like us on Facebook page. Thanks for reading and see you soon on upcoming tutorials ! Bye :D
Articles New [COMPLETE GUIDE] How To Decompile/Recompile Apk using ApkMultiTools. By Michaelsample2 we have presented
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