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New Google Voice - Free Unlimited International Calls and SMS - Tricks Updated By Michaelsample2
Google Voice proves the best option for calling international numbers. But sadly it is only available for US residents at this moment. If you wish to use Google Voice calling outside the USA you need some tricks.
With the help of this you can activate your Google Voice account outside US/Canada and make unlimited international calls/SMS. All you need is a US number setup and some small software download. Hopefully, this hack is still available and works well for you.

Getting Free US number
Register for a free account at Using the info from register an account at for the free USA DID with Ipkall here (Use below settings)
Choose your account type: SIP
Choose Area Code for your IPKall Number: Choose Any Number
SIP Phone number: Your User ID
SIP Proxy:
Email Address: your email here
Password: your password here
# of Seconds to ring before hanging up: 120
You will get an email with a US Number (Take a note of this number)
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Getting Google Voice Account
There are two ways to get Google Voice account. Either some of your friends send an invite to your or apply for an invitation to Google Voice service here. It will take few days for approval.
Now you need a proxy site to access the Google voice anonymously. (If you try to create account from outside US/Canada, you will probably land up with message saying "Thanks for visiting Google Voice. We are not yet open for users outside the US".
Use hotspotshield to browse anonymously (or using any other proxy servers) to complete Google voice setup.
Download UltraSurf from
SIP client settings using X-lite and (full list here)
You can simply add your voice number and add "" and get your working SIP URI and use with any SIP phone.
e.g. ""
For an SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) client prior to setup Google Voice, you can use X-lite (download here) or X-lite Beta 4 (for Mac OSX users)
You can simply add your voice number and add "" and get your working SIP URI and use with any SIP phone.
e.g. ""
For an SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) client prior to setup Google Voice, you can use X-lite (download here) or X-lite Beta 4 (for Mac OSX users)
Download X-lite and follow the below setup. (using settings)
Display Name: your name
User Name: Your user id
Password: Your password
Authorization User Name: Your User
Once correctly entered the information you will get a ready/available screen.

Activating Google Voice account
Note: Before activating Google voice account, make sure your X-lite client is running and SIP account is active.
Simply log on to Google voice (make sure to use a proxy) and follow 4 easy instructions.
Simply log on to Google voice (make sure to use a proxy) and follow 4 easy instructions.

With this, you have just confirmed your Google voice account and successfully started using it for calling internationally.
Articles New Google Voice - Free Unlimited International Calls and SMS - Tricks Updated By Michaelsample2 we have presented
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