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New Disable Text Selection! - Stop Someone Copying From Your Website By Michaelsample2
There is a difference between referring sites and just copying content from others websites. Creating an original content is art and everyone can learn it. Instead of just filling out your site's content, you can try to help a community with something original and creative. Although copying is basic phenomena and necessity, but in the world of internet, it is a serious crime.

Google and other services keep searching websites for copied content and those websites may get banned or marked as spam.
Use below JavaScript code.
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function reEnable(){
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Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Click Add a Widget/Gadget >
Copy above code into it > Save
Go to WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Widget > Add a New text Widget
Copy code into box > Save
That's It! Your site is now protected against copy paste on right click and with Ctrl+C command.
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