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New [TUTORIAL] How To Odex Your Current ROM using Lucky Patcher By Michaelsample2
Hello everyone long time no see and posting , First of all im apologize for those user who leave their comment, I dont have a enough time to reply all comments but Im try my best. So today I have a simple tutorial on How To Odex Your Current ROM. As you can see our device cannot run smoothly while using deodex Rom, Because deodex will consume more RAM usage than ODEX , Okay today I wanna teach you guys how to odex it back , It works on every custom ROM on our device. Without wasting any time lets get started.Why we need to odex it back ?
-It depends on the user , If you love modding and playing with apktool to customize your device. It is not recommended to odex. Because in we cannot retrieve smali folder from apk files.
-If you are just Custom ROM user and do not play with apktool or doesnt know how to mod your system, You can use this guide
-Odex has a lot of free RAM and make your device stable than Deodex
-For those user who love to gaming, This guide is for you, Using Deodex ROM consume more RAM and you will not be able to play a hard and really good graphic game, IT WILL FORCE CLOSE . To fix that just simple odex it back.
- Rooted
- Lucky Patcher (Download it on download section)
- Deodex ROM
- Brain
- Backup
Lucky Patcher v2.8.2
Tutorial :
- Download and install Lucky Patcher ,apk that you just download
- Open Lucky Patcher and Grant for superuser permission
- At the bottom of the app find "Toolbox" and press it
- Scroll Down untill you see "Odex all System Application"
- Choose that and wait your device will reboot automatically
- Done
Congratulations! You have succesfully Odex your ROM back ! , Don't forget to share if you like it , Like us on Facebook and see you in the next one ! PEACE !
Articles New [TUTORIAL] How To Odex Your Current ROM using Lucky Patcher By Michaelsample2 we have presented
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