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New Best Alternatives to Google AdSense for Earning Online By Michaelsample2
We all know getting AdSense Account approval requires patience and efforts on site making. You will surely not be able to display their ads from day 1 of your new site. Again maintaining AdSense policies is mandatory for everyone. AdSense is certainly a great source to have legitimate income but definitely not the only one to stay depend upon.

Just remember not to focus too much upon approvals and money. Be patient and develop your site on regular basis. If you are a part-time blogger, all you need to do is to focus on your SEO skills more, than putting content on your site carelessly. Once you gain confidence on making your quality content, everything else such as shares, comments, popularity, ad clicks will come automatically. You will get enough time to pay attention to them.
Basically, AdSense works better on mass content sites and it does not work much on marketing concept. You require good traffic, more content topics etc. blah bla... That’s the reason top tier sites get smooth earnings from AdSense. Online gurus usually don't recommend focusing on AdSense much for newbie and recent entrepreneurs.
Below are some of the amazing options to monetize your site without Google AdSense.
Amazon, CJ (Commission Junction), ClickBank, ShareAsale, Infolinks Publisher are one of the best affiliate programs available in the market right now. Click on them to see the full review. The concept moves around putting their ad units on the relevant pages and while it gets converted in the actual sale, site owner get a percentage of profit as a commission. (The way marketing agents earns). Once someone click on their ad and lands on the merchant's page, there are high chances that a sale or a purchase occur. This is how affiliate works.
Points to be noted for affiliate program-
- Strong marketing concepts and relevant website niche
- Methods such as Banners, Email marketing can be used wisely
- Article or topic could be convincing and relevant to Ad products
- Honest reviews about product and services - No fake promotions please
Launched in 2008 and managed by MyAdWise RevenueHits is another good option with their state of the art Contextual & Geo-targeted Ad Serving technology. They provide self-services to their advertisers and publishers. The pay on the Net30 basis through PayPal, Wire transfer and Payoneer. Join Here

3. Adversal
Another great network. They currently offer banner and pop-up advertisements with high CMP rates for USA and Canada. You must have at least 50,000 unique visitor traffic on your site before applying them. They pay on Net35 basis through PayPal, Wire transfer,
Direct check and ACH (Automated Clearing House). You can surely avail their referral program to have some additional earnings. Their minimum payout for the check is 20$ and for Wire transfer is 250$. Join Here

5. Infolinks
Another good alternative to AdSense but the only issue is their ad placement on every corner makes a site look poor. To avoid that, you can use other units such as Intext, Intag, Inscreen, Inframe and Infold. They work perfectly. Other than that this program is very good and gives better profits. Infolinks is in-text advertisement network and works on keywords and key phrases related to the website content. You can use Infolinks with any other ad service already running on your site. Getting Infolinks approval is easy. See here a full review. Join Infolinks Here

You may also like "Infolinks Publisher Program - A Strong Affiliate Marketing Scheme"
6. BuySellAds
When your site becomes popular and gains good rank, BuySellAds will offer you ad units. You will sell an ad unit space to the advertiser and they will use it to put their ads such as text, image, RSS, sponsored tweets etc. They pay on the Net-15 basis and there is a $50 minimum payout threshold for money withdrawal. They also charge 25% commission on every advertisement. You can get your money via PayPal, Wire Transfer or direct check. Criteria for getting BSA approval is to have at least below 20000 Alexa rank, 50,000 unique monthly visitors and quality content. So, once again content is a king here. Join Here

7. Chitika
We would say, a better alternative to AdSense as it is easy to maintain and it pays on a Net-30 basis. Their ads look similar to AdSense and are based on search queries. As it is advertisers friendly, you can use them with any other ad services you already have.
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8. Bidvertiser
Bidvertiser is another great pay-per-click advertising program which is a better alternative to AdSense. They currently offer Text, Banner, Mobile and Slider Ads. Their Ads displaying system simply works well as ads with higher bids get displayed first. So, you got to keep up with your promotions so as to get those higher bids for the advertising on your high-quality pages. They have a minimum payout of 10$ on PayPal and 50$ for withdrawing cheque.

PopAds recently working best among Ad networks. They can pay even on a day if payment exceeds as low as 5$. They are monetizing all countries and are specialized in Pop Unders. You will get instant approval. Join Here

AdEngage is a great network for online advertising to sell direct ads. It has served over trillions of ads till date. You can take your minimum payout of 50$ through PayPal, Cheque, Wire and Western Union. AdEngage is getting more attention because of its simplicity and powerful user interface. Join Here

10. VigLink
It is an advertising network works simply as an affiliate program. You get a commission when someone follow the link and make a purchase on their sites. VigLink is SEO friendly and approval is easy. There is no minimum payout with VigLink, but you need to wait for at least 2 months for getting payment in hand. Join Here

11. Qadabra
One of the great alternatives to an AdSense. Getting approval from them is easy and there is no minimum payout system. Just copy the ad tag to put on your site and Qadabra will optimize your site for displaying most suitable ads. They offer a wide range of rich media ads which are not seen in AdSense that is the best part because friendlier the ads appear, faster conversions appear on clicks. Their ads include Sliders, Stay ones, Light boxes, Pop-ups and much more. Join Here

12. Direct Advertising
Product Companies will directly contact you for their ads units, product reviews or sponsorships. Direct Advertising proves best marketing technique as you can get best offers from relevant people. You will have full control on your advertising program and also do not need to share any profit with services. You can surely plan to attract the relevant advisors by using an attractive "Advertise" page which will explain to them why they can contact you. It will also have brief information about the site such as monthly visitors, Page rank and Alexa rank, Google Analytics details, Social Media Network spread etc.
13. Tribal Fusion
They are high paying CMP ad network in the market but getting approved for their ads is way difficult. you must have at least 5 lakhs unique visits per month to qualify for joining them. The bottom line is Tribal Fusion is for big brands and not for a newbie. Tribal Fusion pays on the Net45 basis and gives almost 55% of their revenue to the publishers through a program. Join Here

Similar to Infolinks, Kontera is again an in-text advertising network and displays ads on the basis of keywords. They CPM rate is just ok and minimum payout is 50$ and can be withdrawn using PayPal, Wire transfer, and direct check. Join Here

15. Media.Net - A Yahoo Bing Ad Network
Joint collaboration from Yahoo and Bing brings us a unique contextual Ad network named as It works similar to AdSense and provides relevant ads to the site content. They have dedicated account managers which provide assistance for displaying ads and their customization. pays on Net30 basis and has minimum 100$ payout. You can withdraw your earned money through PayPal or Wire transfer. Join Here

Articles New Best Alternatives to Google AdSense for Earning Online By Michaelsample2 we have presented
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I would suggest SmartyAds as a great alternative to AdSense. It's a full stack programmatic company which offers different solutions. Some of the benefits are:
ReplyDelete1. Different media formats: we offer display, native, video, mobile, in-app ads;
2. Powerful Insights: big data machine learning and smart algorithms ensure reaching audience across the globe and 24 time zones;
3. Outcomes that matter: enjoy increased yield and maximized ROI;
4. Precise Targeting: advanced targeting options based on demographics, location, language, personal preferences, behavior, retargeting and more.
If you're interested, here's the link to try it out or read more: