you're looking for: New 1 GB internet 7tk Banglalink Sim Re-verification Internet Offer By Michaelsample2
complete information: New 1 GB internet 7tk Banglalink Sim Re-verification Internet Offer By Michaelsample2
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New 1 GB internet 7tk Banglalink Sim Re-verification Internet Offer By Michaelsample2
1GB internet 7tk Banglalink Sim Re-verification Internet Offer
Banglalink brings re-verification offer by biometric process. now banglalink users can enjoy 1GB data at 7tk only (if they re-veification though biometric process)
► Banglalink 1GB 7Tk
• offer valid for prepaid & cnc customers only
• to get this offer, customer need to re-verification their sim by biometric process
• to buy 1GB@7tk, dial *5000*704#
• to check internet balance *5000*500#
• validity for 7 days
• usage time: 2 am - 12 pm
• offer valid till further notice
• 3% Supplementary Duty, 15% VAT & 1% SC applicable
tags: banglalink 1gb 7tk, banglalink sim reverification offer, banglalink re-registration offer, banglalink 1gb at 7tk offer
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