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New ePSXE Android: How To Use Cheats In PlayStation [PS1/PSX] Games By Gamzeozgesaroglu

New ePSXE Android: How To Use Cheats In PlayStation [PS1/PSX] Games By Gamzeozgesaroglu - welcome to the blog Specs Price Techno, On this occasion we will discuss article entitled New ePSXE Android: How To Use Cheats In PlayStation [PS1/PSX] Games By Gamzeozgesaroglu, we have collected a lot of data from various sources to make this article so that you no longer need to seek elsewhere, in addition to discussing this information we also have to provide a lot of information about the latest gaget, please look for it this blog, please let continue reading, hopefully you can easily understand that add to your knowledge.

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New ePSXE Android: How To Use Cheats In PlayStation [PS1/PSX] Games By Gamzeozgesaroglu

When it comes to emulate Playstation [PS1/PSX] games on android cell phones then ePSXE is the best app for the purpose. Playstation was launched back in 1994 and has some of the award winning gaming titles that are still in demand for remastering on newer PlayStation 4. I am a huge fan of this gaming console and used to play games on it in my childhood, but unfortunately, I never had PSONE.

Years later I discovered that Sony Playstation games can be played on PC and android cell phones. So, I wrote articles on emulating PS1 games on Windows PC and Android Phones. These articles are very helpful to people who are searching for the right tutorial to play PS1 games on smartphones.

Currently, there are two best PS1 emulators for android. One is FPSE and another is ePSXE. If you have an older smartphone running android [2.3 – 4.3] then FPSE is the app that you should use. Please read /2013/01/how-to-play-playstation-ps1-psx-games-on-android.html" target="_blank">FPSE tutorial. But if your phone is running android [5.0 – 6.0] Lollipop to Marshmallow then ePSXE is the app for you because it can handle octa-core android smartphones to give smooth gaming experience over FPSE.

I am in a favour of ePSXE because it is easy to use and configure. It’s ability to automatically download cheats for games is remarkable. ePSXE android cheats can be applied during game play for immediate effect while other emulators may not let you do so.

ePSXE Android: How To Use Cheats In PlayStation [PS1/PSX] Games

I will be using Tekken 3 game and will show you how to apply cheats on it. I am assuming that you read my previous article on using and configuring ePSXE on android. If not then /2015/05/epsxe-android-play-sony-ps1-games-on-android.html" target="_blank">go here.

  • Launch any game. Tap the menu or back button to access options.
  • Here tap ‘Cheat Codes’. A popup will open stating ‘No cheat codes found for game’.

  • Tap Download. Wait till you see “Cheat Codes downloaded”.
  • Now again go to ‘Cheat code’ option and see the complete list here.
  • There is a checkbox in front of every cheat, put a check on it then tap ‘Apply’.
epsxe android cheats

Recommended Cheats For Tekken 3

Below is a list of some cheats that I recommend to you for playing Tekken 3 on android.

  • Infinite Health P1: Your player’s health will be infinite. It will be immortal and can’t be defeated by anyone.
  • Absolutely Everything Unlocked: Use this cheat to unlock everything in Tekken 3 like the ‘Theater Mode’, ‘Tekken Ball Mode’, ‘All Players’.
  • Infinite Supercharge: Defeat your opponent in one hit.
  • Rest of the cheats you can check yourself.

Creating Cheat File For ePSXE Android

Sometimes it may happen that the downloading of cheats may not work or the emulator can’t find GameShark codes for the game you are playing. In this case, you have to manually create a cheat file and save it with original game code name in ‘Internal Storage>ePSXE>Cheats’.

The format for the cheats is given below.

300A961E 008C

The first line gives the description, the second is the cheat code itself.  A complete cheat code file will look like this below. Save this file as a text file having the .txt format.

Naming A Cheat File

Now here comes the tricky part and the entire working of the file depends on this part only. You can’t name your cheat file just anything and wish to work with ePSXE. Every Playstation game has a region code that starts either with ‘SLUS’ or ‘SCES’. So Tekken 3’s SLUS code is ‘SLUS-00402’. So, your cheat code file name will be ‘SLUS_004.02’ and save this file as text.  Naming is simple, just replace the hyphen with an underscore and put a dot after first three digits then save it as .txt. Now paste this cheat file in ‘Internal Storage>ePSXE>Cheats.’ Open the game and enjoy. You can search SLUS-codes of your games on Google.

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Articles New ePSXE Android: How To Use Cheats In PlayStation [PS1/PSX] Games By Gamzeozgesaroglu we have presented

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