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New How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Automatically Restarting and more re... By Gamzeozgesaroglu

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    New How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Automatically Restarting and more re... By Gamzeozgesaroglu

    While I am writing this article, I am researching, testing and experimenting different hypotheses for the Samsung Galaxy Automatically Restarting problem. As I dig deeper in the issue, I found that there wasn’t one cause for this error, more like 4-5 reasons why your phone may be restarting randomly without any prompts or signals whatsoever.

    Typical Reasons for Samsung Galaxy Automatically Restarting

    Table Of Contents
    • 1 Typical Reasons for Samsung Galaxy Automatically Restarting
      • 1.1 1 CPU Frequency too High
      • 1.2 2 Disturbances in Auto Syncing and Updating
      • 1.3 3 Touch Wiz Conflicts with Firmware
      • 1.4 4 Cache and Data-storage Saturation
      • 1.5 5 Stock ROM compatibility Issues
    • 2 How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Automatically Restarting
      • 2.1 1 CPU Frequency too High
      • 2.2 2 Disturbances in Auto Syncing and Updating
      • 2.3 3 TouchWiz Conflicts with Firmware
      • 2.4 4 Cache and Data-storage Saturation
      • 2.5 5 Stock ROM compatibility Issues

    1 CPU Frequency too High

    By default a brand-new Samsung Galaxy S2 is clocked at 1.2 GHz, Galaxy S3 –1.4 GHz, Galaxy S4 -1. 6GHz.. Newly purchased phones are prone to this problem as well, without any downloaded app and widget being installed on your two days or a week-old Android phone. You can still encounter random shutting down/restarting issue due to the high CPU frequency allocated.

    2 Disturbances in Auto Syncing and Updating

    You will encounter apps, games and firmware being updated automatically or scheduled. Chances are you might not know if your firmware is compatible with the updates being installed, and this can cause conflict with apps not being able to communicate with your present firmware. This is normally seen with Gmail Updates and other Pre-installed Apps. On the other hand, auto syncing complies with the same behavior as updating.

    3 Touch Wiz Conflicts with Firmware

    Touch Wiz is a front-end touch interface developed by Samsung Electronics with partners, featuring a full touch user interface. TouchwWiz is presently on your Samsung Galaxy. Often, the TouchWiz will show unusual behavior such as: ‘Unfortunately touch Wiz home has stopped“, freezing and in this case “Automatically restarting your Samsung Galaxy.” This problem is rooted from Widgets, apps and Corrupted Updates/data stored.

    4 Cache and Data-storage Saturation

    While you may have come across it before, “Clear cache ” and “Clear Data“. The differences between these two are: cache stores temporary data while running application, it can be related to a computer’s RAM. While clearing your data will erase modified preferences of applications, databases, and restore the application to its initial state. These two options have a notable impact on the Samsung Galaxy constantly. Randomly/Automatically Restarting 

    5 Stock ROM compatibility Issues

    Samsung Galaxy Stock ROM’s are pre-installed Operating system that is uniquely developed by Mobile providers to make their Graphical interface distinctive from the rest. However, there may be issues with pre-built and pre-boot up features set by default Provider, Such as At&t , Verizon, Fido that can cause your android phone to restart by its self. Some users installed Custom Stocks on their phone, which can cause this issue on their Phone as well.

    How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Automatically Restarting

    1 CPU Frequency too High

    To Fix Samsung Galaxy restart loop, you can simply lower the CPU Frequency.
    Method 1
    This Method works with rooted devices. You can root your Samsung galaxy here, with one click. If you do not want to root your phone, then proceeds to method 2

    >Set the Min 350MHZ and the Max to 600Mhz. Please note by minimizing these will lower your System Performance. However, this can improve battery life and fix battery drainage issue .

    Method 2
    This method works best if you do not want to root your phone.

    >Similar to Method 1, you need to alter the CPU Min and Max Frequency to the lowest possible MHz

    2 Disturbances in Auto Syncing and Updating

    As I stated above, sometime updating routinely can interfere with currently running background services and apps. Most important, important, it depends on the apps you have installed.
    Android restarting repeatedly by its self can be explained by Auto Syncing and Updating conditions’
    >Turn off Auto Syncing <
    >Navigate to settings
    >Scroll down to “Accounts and Sync”
    >Turn off all Sync
    We just did Auto syncing, now it’s time for updates. Delete all updates from these applications.
    Navigate to settings
    >Application manager or Apps
    >Click Uninstall Updates
    >Navigate to settings
    >Application manager or apps
    >Google Play Store
    >Uninstall Updates
    >Navigate to settings
    >Application manager or apps
    >Uninstall Updates
    >Navigate to settings
    >Application manager or apps
    >Samsung Account
    >Uninstall Updates
    >Navigate to settings
    >Application manager or apps
    >Samsung Push Services
    >Uninstall Updates

    3 TouchWiz Conflicts with Firmware

    Some of the most common things I heard people with are: my Samsung galaxy keeps rebooting, “mySamsung galaxy restarts by itself”, “my Samsung galaxy s6 restarts itself”, “my android keeps shuttingoff” and “my Samsung galaxy keeps turning itself off
    Most people that I have told this solution, have solved it for them. The Icons, widgets and all the functions that are displayed on the home screen are the primary reason which may cause TouchWiz not to respond and restart your phone anonymously.

    Solution 1
    >Navigate to settings
    >Application manager or apps
    >View all
    >Calendar Storage
    >Click Disable or Force stop
    Also, you can remove the Calendar Icon from the Home screen.

    Solution 1
    >Navigate to settings
    >Application manager or apps
    >Click on running
    >Click on TouchWiz
    If you do not see it,
    >Click Show Cached Processes
    Clear Data

    4 Cache and Data-storage Saturation

    By emptying your cache will not be such of an impact compared to clearing your data. Therefore:
    >Navigate to settings
    >Click Backup and reset
    >Click factory Data Reset
    >Proceed with caution. All data will erase

    5 Stock ROM compatibility Issues

    This is one of the most ignored solution for the “Samsung galaxy restarting constantly by itself issue. “Simply, installing Cyanogenmod can modify your Stock ROM. It may void the warranty. You do not need to root your device for this method.
    Installing Cyanogenmod will factory reset your phone, so it’s best to backup. See here if your phone is compatible with Cyanogenmod before proceeding
    >Go to settings
    >Developer Option
    >Turn on USB Debugging mode
    >Connect your Phone to the computer
    >Download Cyangenmod Auto Installer, (Process can be reverted)
    >Run CM installer .EXE file.
    >It will automatically identify your phone
    >Click Install

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