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New Currently Having Challenges On Your Latest MTN Data Subscriptions? Come In And Take Helpful Advice By Michaelsample2
After MTN dropped their new bombshell cheap data daily, weekly and monthly data plans, we have noticed that the data plans have not been auguring well for some who have opted into them.
And we also noticed that the people affected mostly are those that went for the 3.5GB for N2,000 monthly plan and most of their complains are that they got almost 2GB data deducted suddenly from their data balance when they have not even done anything serious with the data.
Truly, some person’s data were wiped off in similar manner and the reason behind that, which MTN customer care assistants will not even tell you is that since these are new plans, they are currently experiencing some challenges to stabilize the plan, hence the unnecessary deductions that some of you have been witnessing.
In other to play safe currently on these MTN latest data offer, pending when MTN fixes all present challenges they are being faced, when opting in for any of the data plans, make sure you migrate to MTN iPulse first be subscribing , and by so doing you won’t come and tell stories that touches.
To migrate to iPulse, simply dial *406# and reply with 1.
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