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New Microsoft Acquires LinkedIn For Billions Of Dollars By Michaelsample2
The Software giant Microsoft and the leading online social media network for professionals LinkedIn have come to business agreement terms as Microsoft is set to buy LinkedIn for a whopping sum of $26.2billion as announced on Monday by Microsoft.
Under the agreement, Microsoft will pay $26.2 per LinkedIn share but LinkedIn will be allowed to still maintain its independent status and keep their modus operandi intact, with Jeff Weiner remaining as CEO.
The deal can be linked to Facebook acquisition of Whatsapp some years back, where Whatsapp was also allowed to run independently and maintain its business and service cultures.
In the words of Microsoft CEO Sataya Nadella;
“This deal brings together the world’s leading professional cloud with the world’s leading professional network”.
And this is coming in the time there is a strong desire from Microsoft to drift away from a pure software firm and LinkedIn on its part seeking for stronger business growth; therefore the deal can be seen as perfect timing and perfect match for both giants that will turn out a mutual benefit for both parties
The buyout deal is said to be completed in this calendar year and the parties in question are expected to go home smiling.
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