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New Average Juicy Life Expectancy Period Of A New Laptop Battery Before Needing Replacement, Under Heavy Usage By Michaelsample2
We believe that most of you that are planning to buy a laptop PC will like to know on the average how long the battery of the laptop you are planning to buy will last before needing replacement, especially under heavy usage.
When buying brand new laptops from reputable shops, you mostly get 1 year warranty on the complete laptop but you will not get any more information or separate warranty regarding the laptop battery; how long it is expected to last or when you should be thinking of replacing the battery.
Yes how long a new laptop battery will last before needing replacement is dependent on many factors, which might not be limited but includes the type and brand of laptop you are buying, the processor type in the laptop, the laptop battery capacity, times of usage and the type of work you do with the laptop etc.
But today we are going to be adopting a general and on the average overview on the juicy life expectancy period of most new laptops before the need to replace it battery will surely arise.
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And we are going to be considering new laptops in general that will be put under heavy usage all the time; when we say heavy usage here, we are referring to laptop that you use virtually every day for at least 6 hours in a day.
One important feature of laptop batteries like most other similar batteries that we will like to draw your attention to is the Battery Cycle.
Though you will not see it in the laptop battery ratings, but it is very important battery property to put into consideration when using your laptop battery.
Battery Cycle is simply the number of times a battery is fully discharged and fully charged throughout its juicy lifespan.
Now let’s hit the nail on the head; if you have gotten yourself a brand new laptop from reputable store out there, the juicy life expectancy period in general of your new laptop under heavy usage should stand out at about 24months to 36months (2 to 21/2 years).
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That is to say that battery juice of most new laptops under heavy usage, after 24 to 36months will surely show serious signs of depletion and in fact at this period you should start saving up immediately for new replacement battery for your system.
Before this period of time, if you do get up to 3 to 4 hours of battery juice while using your laptop, you should be rest assured after 24months to 36months period, you will hardly get up to 1hr juice under heavy usage.
Finally, and just as we have said, you should see this piece of information as an average overview and to have an insight of how long your new laptop battery is expected to last under heavy usage before showing serious sign drainage.
Articles New Average Juicy Life Expectancy Period Of A New Laptop Battery Before Needing Replacement, Under Heavy Usage By Michaelsample2 we have presented
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